Beat 'em ups are one of my favorite types of video games to play. I remember playing this ultra violent one where you fought a dude with a saw on the back of a truck. After some Google-ing, I discovered that the game is actually called:
Vendetta (or Crime Fighters, depending on your part of the world).
From the Wikipedia:
Vendetta, known in Japan as Crime Fighters 2 (クライムファイターズ2), is a 1991 side-scrolling beat-'em-up arcade game developed and published by Konami. It is the sequel to 1989 Konami's Crime Fighters, although it was marketed internationally as a stand-alone game with no previous connections.
The four men of the game's hero gang, The Cobras, fight through waves of enemies to rescue Kate, The Cobras' fifth member, who was kidnapped by the Dead End Gang. As with most beat-em-ups, the game features primarily side-scrolling action. Player score is based on number of opponents eliminated.
The option of attacking an enemy while they are knocked down was new to the genre. The game uses 'punch' and 'kick' buttons rather than 'jump' and 'attack'. The special punch-plus-kick attack is the only aerial attack. Every time this special attack is performed, it takes away one bar of energy from the character. The players can also use different weapons that belong to enemies or are hidden inside boxes, including a shotgun (with limited cartridges), baseball bats, knives, and bottles. Players can also double-team enemies and vice versa.
Apparently you can get Vendetta from the Nintendo eshop, crazy.
Vendetta Review - via Nintendo Life